My dad wore Cool Water, but it doesn't really remind me of him. His smell was leather jacket and faint cigarette smoke. Maybe a bit of Prell shampoo. A decade and a half ago I found a leather scent at CB I Hate Perfume that smelled EXACTLY like the jacket he used to wear, so much so that it made me cry. I immediately bought a little bottle of it. I never wore it, I would just open the bottle and sniff it every once in a while. The smell went off eventually and I got rid of it before a move. I think it was Old Leather:
My dad wore Cool Water, but it doesn't really remind me of him. His smell was leather jacket and faint cigarette smoke. Maybe a bit of Prell shampoo. A decade and a half ago I found a leather scent at CB I Hate Perfume that smelled EXACTLY like the jacket he used to wear, so much so that it made me cry. I immediately bought a little bottle of it. I never wore it, I would just open the bottle and sniff it every once in a while. The smell went off eventually and I got rid of it before a move. I think it was Old Leather:
Oh I love this so much. That combination of smells!! I want to smell that. <3
I love this.
My G'ma smelled like Jean Nate. I never smell that on anyone anymore.
My G'pa smelled like Old Spice. I smile when I smell it.
My husband smelled like Lagerfeld. I have the last of his last bottle. Sometimes I sniff it.
My exBF smelled like Chanel Bleu. I hope I never smell it again.
Ha! What an excellent list. Thanks for sharing that. And for reading. ❤️
Thank you <3